Gregg BRADEN is an international speaker, American author and New York Times bestseller such as "The Divine Matrix". Gregg Braden is an explorer of human potential, a pioneer of epigenetics and a revelator of scientific discoveries that validate concepts of spirituality known for millennia. His work has made him a pioneer and expert in the fields of quantum physics and the divine matrix. His books have been translated into over 17 languages.
Drawing on scientific research and experiments, he tells us about the ability of human beings to communicate with their cells and DNA, and to modify them by thought.
We're publishing extracts from his work because his scientific experiments demonstrate what Celestial Alliances has been proposing for months through messages received by the inner dimensions of operators, notably concerning the conscious reprogramming of our DNA or the conscious decision to work our high frequencies through positive emotions to access extraordinary abilities.
Mohamed Diallo is an informant who created "Positive Influence", which aims to introduce concepts, ideas and principles that can be directly applied to daily life, and advocates tolerance, respect and positivism.
He transmits in this Live, information of Gregg BRADEN which allows to understand that our DNA is totally connected to our positive or negative emotions through scientific experiments.