Assistance & Coaching
We are aware that certain experiences, such as abductions or contacts with Non-Human Intelligences (NHI), may have generated trauma. Just as we are aware of the difficulty for some volunteer missionaries to define their mission.
Here you will find beautiful souls ready to help, support and accompany in the best possible way each person who asks for it.
Heavenly Alliances France wishes to make it clear that it is in no way connected to the beautiful souls who offer their services.
It is up to you to select the person you wish to call upon and to contact them consciously and responsibly, i.e. by being responsible for your choices and taking responsibility for them.
The services are offered with a view to 4ème Density, i.e. in the full sovereignty and sense of responsibility of each person. If you need the practitioner you have selected to meet 3D criteria such as diplomas, specific means of payment, invoices, insurance, it is up to you to make the request yourself to the practitioner before any intervention on his part so that a climate of benevolence and trust is established between you from the start.
In any case, Celestial Alliances is only intended to put in touch volunteers who sincerely wish to help. It does not manage appointments, rates, schedules or anything else directly related to the activity of each practitioner and therefore cannot be held responsible. Celestial Alliances does not receive any revenue from these services.
We are happy and full of gratitude to those who wish to put their skills and talents at the service of the greatest number and we wish to to all those who will contact these beautiful souls in service, beautiful meetings human and non-human for their greater good.
The Assistance & Coaching team at your service
Here is a list of beautiful souls ready to offer you help, support and personal guidance
The Assistance & Coaching team at your service
To see the list of missionaries offering their services, click here!