Heavenly Alliances

May peace prevail on Earth and in the Universe



Exovision is composed of missioned embodied citizen volunteers in order to set up coherent and reassuring procedures of densified exogenous friendly meetings.

The aim is to set up a benevolent collaboration with representatives of the star nations to organize these positive encounters of a new kind, and to be able both to bear witness to Humanity's experience and to propose safe operating methods that can be reproduced by Gaia's citizens wishing to open up to tomorrow's world.

The team is already training in telepathy and preparing proposals for meetings and exchanges with our celestial friends.

The EXOVISION team wishes to represent the citizen part of the people of Gaia (the name of our Earth in 3rd Density), to guarantee the security of the exchanges and adheres to the Galactic Codex as well as the Banner of Peace launched by the NGO.

Each member is a Ambassador for Peace of terrestrial and galactic dimensions.

In this respect, the EXOVISION team would like to thank all those who wished to take part and become in turn an Ambassador for Peace, opening themselves up to the positive potential of establishing friendly contacts with other Service to Others beings from other planes of consciousness.


To our benevolent heavenly friends

In the name of all the love and kindness that we are.

We present ourselves as Ambassadors for Peace of an official delegation of exogenous encounters within the NGO Alliances Célestes, called EXOVISION.

Our collective intention is to participate in the awakening of Humanity within a diplomatic, responsible and benevolent framework.

Our objective is to set up a process of telepathic and physical encounters that are reassuring for all of humanity and in mutual respect and security.

We invite you to show your response by your presence.

In peace of heart and mind.



Participate in the creation of a new world through our actions and thoughts, in a context of mutual aid and collaboration with the Universe, opening up the beneficial potential of establishing friendly contacts with other Service to Others beings from other planes of consciousness. 


As Ambassadors of Peace, we'd like to set up a benevolent collaboration with representatives of the star nations to organize friendly encounters of a new kind, and to be able both to bear witness to our experience for Humanity, and to propose safe operating methods that can be reproduced by Gaia's citizens wishing to open up to tomorrow's world.


Working as an Exovision contractor

  1. Being a Ambassador for Peace of terrestrial and galactic dimensions
  2. Representing the citizens of Gaia (the name of our Earth in 3rd Density),
  3. Join the Galactic Codex Celestial Alliances
  4. Join the Banner of Peace launched by O.N.G.
  5. Telepathy training
  6. Undertake to establish personal exogenous contacts outside the meetings scheduled by Exovision
  7. Prepare and organize proposals for meetings and exchanges with our celestial friends
  8. Be on the lookout for relevant new information and share it with the group
  9. Commit to offering operations that allow everyone to familiarize themselves with future multi-species encounters

Here are a few examples of operations already completed :

  • Banner of Peace: Become an Ambassador of Peace
  • Galactic Codex: Consulting the people
  • A great human-celestial rendezvous at Pangaea
  • La Peyro Clabado: A process of collaboration in the field around the 4 elements in preparation for the Symposium
  • Exovision Symposium at the Zenith in Limoges
  • Operation of the Law of Divine Grace for the people of Gaia


  1. Attend as many meetings as possible and take notes
  2. Take the time to offer positive, solution-oriented feedback when you have a feeling or relevant information to share.
  3. Participate consciously and share with integrity and authenticity
  4. Share and open up to our respective obstacles that could hinder the fluidity of exchanges and cooperative work, while respecting the opinions of others.
  5. Avoid taking anything for granted (in reference to the 4 Toltec Agreements*) 
  6. Recognize that we are all in a learning process, and that the experience and wisdom of each individual is invaluable.
  7. Commitment to individual work outside appointments
  8. In what we think/propose, we always take the other person's constraints into account
  9. Staying in the energy of the heart and in connection with our divine essence (our higher self and our raison d'être)

* Toltec Agreements :

  • Agreement 1: Let your word be impeccable
  • Agreement 2: Whatever happens, don't take it personally
  • Agreement 3: Don't make assumptions
  • Agreement 4: Always do your best

VIBRATIONS (the power that vibrates in our hearts)

We know that authenticity, fluidity and total trust are necessary for all the mental, spiritual and energetic work of the group, in the image of this new world of PEACE and COLLABORATION between NATIONS that we are creating. Here, then, is an open door to magic (the soul acts) and the expression of our creative and sovereign power. 


Together for peace and galactic evolution!
