You can support the work of Alliances Célestes either by becoming a member or by making a donation.
Your DONATIONS are invaluable to the running of the NGO, which is run entirely by volunteers.
By becoming MEMBERIn this way, you accept that a world-recognized body is the voice of the people. In this way, you give the people, the citizens of the world, the right to speak, and to be a legitimate interlocutor on Earth as elsewhere, in a future yet to be built.
Thank you for your awareness and support (membership is €22, as it is the number of the master's degree).
We invite you to talk about it around youWe're also committed to building up our membership base, so that the NGO has an unchallenged and unavoidable voice in decision-making bodies.
Choose the section that suits you best, fill in the form and let's get started with concrete support to help our association grow!
With all our gratitude!
The process is simple :
You send us the completed form so that the NGO's accounting department knows whether it's a membership or a donation.
Once your form has been received, the accounting department sends you a dynamic invoice with a tab for payment by credit card.