
- Victor DAVID
- Le Bourg - 42670 ECOCHE
- vicwakan@free.fr
- 06 98 15 59 98

- Practice of the Medicine of the Spirit (Wakan Medicine) at a distance or on site,
- Practice of Dynamic Presence Touch (only on site),
- Shamanic and Holistic accompaniment (with the Doctors of the Sky and the Guides of Light of the person) at a distance or on the spot,
- Food and general advice,
- Meditative Body Guidance,
- Taking into account the Being in its entirety. -
- Release of physical, psychic and emotional tensions,
- General relaxation,
- Taking into account the entire body and all that follows,
- Global well-being linked to new awareness,
- To allow the autonomy of the health of the body by each one. -
~ Dynamic Presence Touch, M&H method, with a curriculum at the HICC INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SCHOOL until 2021,
→ it is a matter of mobilizing the body's inherent Regenerative Force, of putting movement back into immobile tissues (places of blockages), and of making people aware of the body and what is happening in it,
~ Energetic and Shamanic Care, in Wakan Medicine, Mastery acquired with Luma (Medicine Woman) in 2017,
~ Full Reality Meditation, primarily related to the physical body, and Dynamic Meditation, which prepares for a healing (or a Full Reality Meditation) by releasing current tensions,
~ Accompaniment in the practice of Sensory Movement,
→Allows to mobilize tissues, joints, muscles, and to become aware of movements, performed in extreme slowness, in order to integrate this internal and own movement, in "everyday life".
~ 10 years of practice with all these tools, and more 🙂